lunes, 29 de junio de 2015

                         Young Pregrancy

Early pregnancy is that pregnancy that occurs in children and adolescents. From puberty, begins the process of physical changes that makes the girl in an adult capable of sexual reproduction. This does not mean, however, that the girl is ready to be a mother.

Adolescent pregnancy in Chile

Another factor that influences in this sense, is that the young people conceal their parents to have sexual intercourse and, in other cases, parents themselves are those who do not want to have their children use contraceptive methods because they believe that this would encourage them to start their sexual life.
These are some of the reasons that explain why each year, approximately 36 thousand young Chilean 19 years of age or older will become pregnant. "The greatest amount of these pregnancies occurs between the ages of 15 and 19, although this segment has been a decrease, but not so the group of 14 years and less.That is why you are talking about the teenage pregnancy - considered as a public health problem, and also social - there is an urgent need know the reasons why these young people decide to bring children into the world without taking into account the consequences of this act, which by very happy that the click, will bring consequences not very pleasant in its development

Ways to prevent teenage pregnancy

1. Talk about sexual health with their parents, other adults and reliable friends.
2. Resist the pressure to begin having sex.
3. Support to the friends who decide not to have sex
4. Always use condoms during sexual intercourse.
5. Learn to maximize on reproductive and sexual health.